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The ROFES set. Version 3.28 and Version 4.16 (MONICOR method)

Modules and technologies of the ROFES software

Module "Diagnostics"

Three core measuring methods and analysis of the data obtained are the foundation of the "ROFES- diagnostics":

  • Corporeal method - traditional, by 12 main meridians;
  • Su Jouk - projecting method by bel-meridians of hand;
  • Vertebrology- diagnostics method by zones of spinous process of vertebra and by projection vertebral zones in Su Jouk system (see more in the article…).

The current of measurement is bipolar (30; 60; 120 mcA), voltage - 4V.

One of the main advantage of the ROFES diagnostics, allowing to obtain authentic signs of clinical diagnoses confirmed by medical tests, is the computer analysis of human structures' three-dimensional matrixes united in an integrated system. This system reflects all the aspects of body state: as medical, characterizing the full "health cut", as well as psychological, reflecting one's emotional state defining one's behaviour in some situation.


          The first multi-vector matrix is a Diagram based on the results of body's 12 main paired meridian diagnostics.


          The second multi-vector matrix is a Frequency Spectrum obtained from each point of the meridians measured.


          The third multi-vector matrix is a Chart based on the results of diagnosing 29 projection zones above spinous process of vertebra.

Pic. 4. Biofield structure of human body

To fulfill a multi-level analysis "Expert System" module combines these energy structures, attaches anamnestic observations and anthropometric data and gives out a formalized conclusion about the patient's state (See conclusions of Expert System in Slide show).

Dividing clinical and psychological state allows to increase the diagnostics reliability and allows the patient to become aware of his psychological portrait which in most cases is the prime cause of his disease. Opportune correction of the patient's psychoemotional state according to the individual program in "Color therapy" module often gives efficient positive effect.

The integration of all multi-vector matrixes is displayed in the software in the form of mathematic model of body's biofield structure (three-dimensional matrix of body structure).

      Additional methods in "Diagnostics" mode

Pic. 5.

Chakra-diagnostics by Su-Jouk - electroacupuncture diagnostics by energy centers in the "correspondence system" of Su Jouk method with the graphic display of energy centers' state; starting from Version 3.12 of the software three-dimensional model of energy centers' state is included.

AWP Express-diagnostics and Correction - short variant of AWP CORPOREAL METHOD, is used for patient's state express-analysis during rehabilitating procedures.

Express-diagnostics method is divided into three types:

  • by 12 points
  • by 1 points

The main features of express-method by several points are:

  • reducing the time of examination;
  • obtaining individual corridor of patient's normal functional state, relatively to which multi-frequency correction with biofeedback will be made;
  • obtaining spectrum characteristics for assessing the patient's state by nosologies, syndromes, symptomocomplexes and generating the signal of multi-frequency correction;
  • obtaining integral characteristics of patient's adaptability during rehabilitation procedures for monitoring.

Additional options in "Diagnostics" module

Assessing the effectiveness of rehabilitation procedures is made for assessing the patient's meridian system changes in dynamics during a certain period of time between two diagnostics (Pic. 6).

After choosing two "rofograms" necessary for comparison in the right table the assessment of effectiveness/not effectiveness is calculated. It shows the patient's meridian system state change that occurred during chosen period of time (between the dates of patient's measurements).

Dynamics of rehabilitating procedures process is aimed at assessing the dynamics of rehabilitating procedures process separately by each meridian during monitoring. The diagram is build for each meridian and shows how the meridian changed its state relatively to rehabilitating procedures process (Pic. 7).

Dynamics of Adaptation Potential integral assessment shows graphical changes of Adaptation Potential during certain period of time in the course of various treatments.

Table of spectrum characteristics tendencies. Beginning from Version 3.12 there is "Tendencies Table" in mode "Express diagnostics and correction" where you can analyze the frequencies coincidence for a patient by random number of measurements (diagnostics) with the desired mathematic expectation.

"Biological feedback corrections"Module

According to the obtained body structures' 3D matrixes the doctor is offered the ways of correction courses with using all body's communication systems: verbal, visual, sensory, meridian, covering the widest spectrum of environment's wave characteristics perception. Each of the communication systems mentioned transmits necessary correction signal to corresponding matrix awaiting for the correction. The whole complex of correction treatment courses enables to most efficiently carry out patient's rehabilitation and correct his 3D matrix structures.

Brain functions' matrixes are corrected through the energy information perception by the meridian structure controlling all the organism systems and providing the mechanism of connection among human physiological structures and generated psychic functions. This leads to the correction of mental states, and finally somatic deviations.

Thus, bringing body's meridian structure into harmonious state as a result of correction treatment by body's functional frequencies obtained during diagnostics leads to recovery from most of diseases. The number of procedures is defined by the degree of illness severity.

Simultaneous perception of the correcting information of narrower environmental wave spectrum - video and audio- provides fixing of positive achievements in the correction of body's meridian structure (See the description of "Color therapy" module).

All the treatment is dosed and is performed under computer control via bio feedback on patient's diagnostics result. The treatment is automatically stopped after the corrected points' energy state reaches individual functional norm corridor.

Technologies of "Biological feedback corrections" Module

Correction Algorithm 1 allows to correct meridian system state following the automatically offered algorithm. The program chooses one or a number of points out of diagnosed, selects functional frequencies (endogenous frequencies) of these points and forms the correction signal.

Correction Algorithm 2 is made only for doctors. The program chooses one point out of diagnosed which is the most sensitive at the moment. The doctor can make the following correction:

  • Electroacupuncture corrections.
    Low frequency exposure to BAPs and BAZones by nosologies and symptomocomplexes calculated by Voll and Mandel methods, with bio feedback of watching the therapy results on PC display by the doctor ( below threshold treatment). Bipolar current- 30,60,120 mkA; tension- 4V; following frequency - 1-10000 Hz
  • MRT- magneto-resonance corrections.
    Low frequency exposure to BAPs and BAZones by nosologies and symptomocomplexes calculated by Voll, Mandel and Sh. Valdemar methods ( below threshold treatment). Magnetic induction - 2-15 mkTl; following frequency - 1-100000 Hz.

Specialist can select BAPs and BAZones for correction by frequencies entered into program and corresponding to nosologies and symptomocomplexes by Voll and Mandel methods.

All the correction is performed with the computer control via biofeedback on patient's diagnostics result.

"Taking photo of the disease" technology. It is a correction by the point corresponding to "pain syndrome" by Su Jouk method. It is started in mode "Express-diagnostics and correction by one point".

See more information about the technologies in slide-show "Algorithm of work and technologies of the ROFES software".

Additional options in "Biological feedback corrections" module

  • Transferring frequencies of corresponding nosologies into homeopathic carriers;
  • FREQUENCIES GENERATOR within the range of 1 to 100000 Hz allows to create frequency chains of correction with adding the existing information and wave methods (SCENAR, DENAS, ZIPPER, etc.).
  • Function of compressing frequencies for transfer to homeopathic carriers with saving these correction schemes in the patient's data. It helps to save time during the transfer to homeopathic carriers according to diagnostics results in all methods.
  • Selecting frequencies from correction schemes according to frequency diagnostics results. It is available in mode "Conclusions and correction" in all methods.
  • Function of saving correction scheme in patient's database. Available in all methods. It can be started in "Conclusions and Correction" mode. The scheme is saved in "Physiotherapy" mode and can be corrected by doctor according to the duration of each frequency from the scheme.
  • Correction with biofeedback. For visual tracing on point's reaction to correction process there is a visual outline of initial value of a point.
  • Correction with biofeedback. An automatic analysis of the corrected point (system) OVERACTIVATION is introduced. In case of overactivation during one minute, the process of correction is stopped.
  • Beginning from Version 3.14 there is Frequency correction scheme export file with a possibility of recording on CD or flash card for a patient.

Module "Color therapy"

Color therapy. Special designed modules of visual stimulation with the feedback to energy constitution - 6 ancient key elements (KE).

People receive 80% of information through vision.

People receive 80% of energy and information flow from environment through the meridian structure that controls human body and emotional sphere.

The ROFES device unites these two information flows via biological feedback and patient's state is harmonized and as a result, the patient is cured.

In "Color therapy" module there is an automatic selection of psychological affirmations according to the Expert System conclusions about backbone's functional state. Combined treatment of color, music and affirmations (positive motivations to change one's emotional state) increases the effectiveness of psychosomatic deviations treatment.

"Color therapy" module is effective for psychosomatic diseases. Also, referring to the ROFES users reports on the seminars, the application of "Color therapy" combined with other treatment has a positive effect in such cases as gastritis, duodenitis, neurodermatitis, arthrosis, stroke.

"Address Color Therapy" know-how!

The technology includes the "ROFES-Color therapy" individual software, which is patient-oriented. This allows installing it on the patient’s smartphone/ iphone/ PC at home and in the office.

After being diagnosed by a specialist during the reception, the patient is given files with the encrypted data and then he installs them into the individual software on the smartphone/ iphone/ PC at home or/and in the office. According to the specialist’s instructions he can carry out the relaxation color therapy seances during 3-4 days based on the diagnostics results. All the clinic information in the ROFES-Color therapy individual software is closed.

After 3-4 days the patient is recommended to be examined repeatedly in order to refresh the data about his psychophysiological state in order to correct the color treatment seances.

Module "Selecting and testing remedies"

Technology of testing parasitosis

The ROFES medical diagnostic tool realizes the method of selection and testing any material and information structures introduced into human' energy space and interacting with the last.

By diagnostic results it is determined whether human energy characteristics are harmonized when interacting with Bio active additions, allopathic and homeopathic remedies, or not.

After finishing the test and selection, the color and text estimations of remedy's compatibility with patient's meridian structure state are formed and supplied.

Testing parasitosis with using any kinds of nosodes. Special adapters are used to connect the ROFES device and any kind of nosodes.

Electronic selector of testing the infectious agents

In electronic selector there is an optimum set of infectious agents geographically connected with middle latitude of northern hemisphere.

It is aimed at testing parasites, viruses, batteries.

Testing for type of patient's to allergy: regularly recurring, hormone-caused, initial.

Transferring to homeopathic carriers the information component of infectious agents tested and having positive resonance during diagnostics.

  • computer generated medical report for print
  • Module "Telemedicine"

    "Virtual polyclinic" Technology

    The purpose of this technology and module: increasing the quality of help for patients based on creating information space that will unite knowledge and experience of various specialists regardless of their location. All users of the ROFES hardware and software devices can participate in telemedicine system because ROFES is adjusted for the exchange of information about patients' diagnostics results for further transferring information-diagnostics data and obtaining additional consultation from various specialists from all over the world.
    The algorithm of work is the following:
    • The main center-server with various experienced specialists;
    • Specialized medical centers;
    • clients' stations - AWP ROFES
    The "electronic connection" mode in ROFES software allows to send patient's diagnostics results, his anthropometric and anamnestic data, ultrasound, X-ray and video information to basic or specialized center. On the basis of information obtained the specialists of basic or specialized center give consultation and send a conclusion with necessary recommendations back to client's station - AWP ROFES. You can find more information about telemedicine system in the article "Some aspects of telemedicine".

    Module "Aromapsychology and Aromatherapy"

         The final stage in the analysis of the psycho-emotional component of the tested person, the program suggests using the possibilities of Aromapsychology. The sense of perception of aromas and the emotional states associated with them has been developing in man for millions of years in parallel with the formation of his somatic status and the mental functions generated by it. That is, it refers to the basic characteristics of a person - as a living biological system. Therefore, we can safely rely on the comparison of the indicator of the subjective perception of aromas by a person with the bioindicator of aromas automatically calculated by the program, which correspond to his electropuncture portrait. Thus, in the “Psychology” tab, the final psychological conclusion about the subject will be formed.
         Aromas, standing in the top rows of the table, show the body's need for them. If the test subject gives a subjective assessment that he likes these smells, then this will be a double confirmation of his body's need for these aromas. Then look in the description of these aromas for the psychological characteristics that a person is trying to strive for. Since all this is psychosomatics, so the use of aroma oils in the correction of somatic problems enhances their healing effect when used together with microelectropuncture. For this purpose, oil which is indicated in the upper lines of the Aromatherapy table is placed in the aluminum cup of the device.

    The new version of the software "ROFES" - 4.16.

    Monitoring of conditions adaptation and correction – “MONICOR” method


       Determines up to 2000 results of functional states, symptomatic complexes and syndromes, with calculation of disease risks; Up to 70 psychoemotional states. Automatically calculates algorithms and performs compensatory correction of identified stress states.

         Very fast

       In the mode of the Diagnostics performs testing in 110 seconds. The next test after 1 minute (leveled phenomenon "Fatigue point")

         Very simple

       Works on a computer with a flash card in Windows. On tablets with a Windows 10\11 platform. On Apple with Windows 10\11 emulation.

    Autonomous hardware and software called
    “Adaptation and Correction Monitoring"
    is a microelectropuncture test for one paired point.

  • The duration of the test measurement is only 110 seconds!
  • Each step of the sequence monitoring session is 1 minute in duration.
  • The Result:
  •      The test results will show functional states based on a real-time assessment of 2000 potential risks of diseases and subsequent syndromes and calculate up to 70 psychoemotional states. At the same time, the system will calculate the state of imbalance of all reflexological points of the 14 main meridians of the human body (363 points in total). In addition, you can see a virtual interactive model of acupuncture with these 363 points (3D Phantom).
  •       Monitoring of human functional state studies in real time can be configured for time intervals from 2 minutes to 3 hours.
  • We can see the results of stress levels of organs and systems in real time at each stage of monitoring, for example, at each 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 minutes and so on.

  •      After the evaluation based on the measurement of one paired point, the program is able to automatically create a correction frequency based on the data interpreted for this client (endogenous client frequencies). Now we can see the effectiveness of the correction in a graphical representation in real time. Having established several iteration stages for the client with its endogenous frequencies, each subsequent diagnostic operation of the iteration takes into account the result of correction of the previous diagnosis, thereby confirming the iterative information. Based on biofeedback mode, this repetitive information optimizes the evaluation and correction process.
  •      At the same time, the system will launch the color therapy module during the sessions, which will double the corrective effect of the MONICOR.
  •      The additional Reflexology module allows you to see the imbalance in the bioenergetic body and creates follow-up recommendations based on the science of reflexology. During the correction process, we can see an imbalance of certain reflexological zones that correlate with certain syndromes. A special mode is activated that visualizes the acupuncture points of the main meridians on the left and right sides, as well as their bioenergetic status on the screen of the virtual acupuncture model.
  •       To improve the accuracy of the tests, the program evaluates the environment and automatically performs calibration to obtain optimal results.
  •      The program provides audio recording and monitoring of changes in auditory psychophysiological states at MONICOR sessions, for relation to individual psychotherapy and psychoanalysis.

  • The new features of the software "ROFES" Version 4.16 (MONICOR method)

  • new !  Improving cognitive abilities"     The mode is designed to increase the effectiveness of learning processes and cognitive activity of children and adults.
       In any cognitive process, synaptic connections are formed between neurons, which become more and more stable from training to training. If during the cognitive process, MONICOR correction is turned on, then the frequencies of formation of synaptic connections in the central nervous system will also be present in the list of endogenous frequencies of the user, enhancing synaptogenesis. Thus, the stability of synaptic connections will be achieved faster with the use of instrumental support.
        This mode can be useful, including for post-stroke and post-covid patients who recover the loss or decrease of their cognitive abilities. Also for the prevention of dementia. The principle is the same – stimulation of the central nervous system with the consolidation of skills.
  • new !  Personal "Energy Security"     This strategically important mode allows the operator to organize his personal energetic defense from the influence of environmental factors ( including the negative influence or energy of colleagues or customers ).
    You can also use this mode to prevent dysfunction of your own psychosomatic condition.
  • new ! Neuro-puncture encephalogram and neurocorrection
        An encephalogram is a measurement of the functional activity of the brain. We propose a method for studying brain activity through the analysis of spectral characteristics of endogenous frequencies of the test subject.
    There are two functions in the Neuro punctual encephalogram mode:
  • - function "Spectral calculation of the main rhythms of the central nervous system". These are spectral estimates of all the main rhythms of the central nervous system based on the analysis of the endogenous frequencies of the subject.

    - function "Analysis of neuropuncture zones on the scalp by Brodman zones". These are neuropuncture zones on the scalp in their projection onto Brodman fields and a detailed analysis of Beta and Gamma rhythms of the central nervous system.

        The results of the calculation of the prevailing CNS rhythm and the assessment of interhemispheric asymmetry based on the endogenous frequencies of the client allow us to automatically collect the actual frequencies for effective neurocorrection of the identified stress states.
  • new !  A mode of rapid testing and prevention of parasitic involvement was developed. An additional sensor connected to the computer and controlled by the software "ROFES" ("MONICOR" method) provides an operational test for parasitic involvement . The identified risks are compensated by activation of the body's compensatory mechanisms.
  • new !  Testing of drugs, food, etc. without their use. With MONICOR, you can test how the body reacts to specific supplements and nutrients without eating them. Up to 5 substances can be tested at a time. This mode is not in the ROFES-E01C device for housewives. In it, you can evaluate the effect of drugs only by eating them.

  • new !Correction of stress conditions for clients via a remote server
         Specialists often face the lack of time problem for clients in carrying out a continuous sequence of correction sessions, since the effectiveness of the results in achieving positive dynamics of improving their well-being depends on it.
         If the client is able to bring the professional capabilities of the health improvement and correction system in the MONICOR device closer to home or "field" conditions, then he will compensate for the lack of time for daily reception during the sessions appointed by a specialist.
         To solve this problem, the program provides an option for transmitting individual schemes to correct the client's stress states through the server using them on personal laptops, tablets and smart phones. In order to reach the efficiency that is achieved on professional MONICOR devices, correction to clients through the server will also involve Three channels of wellness techniques perception – individual neuropuncture, individual color therapy and individual auditory resonator.
         The specialist could be confident in the results of the wellness sessions, because neuropuncture zones, frequency schemes of correction, color therapy and the number of sessions is assigned individually to each client and controlled by the program via a remote server. The server will also monitor the "excessive concern" of clients about wellness procedures by controlling the time between each session and their number, assigned by a specialist.
         A client receives high-quality individual wellness techniques and the result from them (we exclude voluntary ignoring of specialist appointments). It saves time and, therefore, moneys in comparison with coming for sessions to the specialist's office.
         The specialist offers high-quality wellness techniques, individually selected for each client, guaranteeing results when they are performed according to the rules specified in the personal message to the client in the formed package of correction schemes. Saves time and space in the office for the reception of the client, which means it increases the throughput of its office, raising its profitability. Sessions via the server are also paid for.

  • Our partners from Sweden presented the MONICOR method for beginners.


    Our partners from Sweden presented the MONICOR method in animation.


    MONICOR method in Youtube. Seminar in Stockholm in 2018. Swedish translation

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